IR-WCMS: Indian Railway Works Contract Management System

***IRWCMS is introducing OTP base login system. In this method Login using IR-SSO and HRMS ID of Officers or Bill Clerks except Admin/Co-Admin need to enter IRWCMS with OTP.***

Indian Railway has launched a web-enabled application IR-Works Contract Management System (IR-WCMS), designed and developed by CRIS (Centre for Railway Information Systems) and it has been hosted on IRCEP (


    1st Phase-

    The above application has been implemented in the 1st phase in the Engineering Department of the following 17 Division of Indian Railways.
    1. Bhuswal Divn. of CR
    2. Howrah Divn. of ER
    3. Danapur Divn. of ECR
    4. Sambalpur Divn. of ECoR
    5. Firozpur Divn. of NR
    6. Janshi Divn. of NCR
    7. Izzatnagar Divn. of NER
    8. Vadodara Divn. of WR
    9. Ratlam Divn. of WR
    10. Rangiya Divn. of NFR
    11. Jaipur Divn. of NWR
    12. Chennai Divn. of SR
    13. Secendrabad Divn. of SCR
    14. Ranchi Divb. of SER
    15. Nagpur Divn. of SECR
    16. Bangalore Divn. of SWR
    17. Bhopal Divn. of WCR
    The application is now available for all 68 divisions of Indian Railways. Now, all the bills pertaining  works contracts of Civil,  Electrical, Mechanical and S&T departments are to be passed only through IRWCMS Portal.


    The application covers all the activities associated with contract handling which inter-alia include the following:-
    • Submission of Performance Guarantee
    • Preparation of signing of the contract agreement.
    • ng and its integration with IPAS for payment.
    • NS site preparation and sanction.
    • Variation Statement preparation and sanction.
    • Extension of DOC.
    • Release of PG/SD.
    • Corespondence between Railway with the contractor.
    Special Features
    • Digital signature has been used in all the activities for authorization/authentication purpose by all the concerned officials dealing with the LoA.
    • Online Approvals and Vetting of Agreement, Bills etc.
    • Complete Contract details can be fetched at one place on single click from ‘Report’ menu.
    • Easy preparation of Variation statement 
    • Various other reporting features have been developed and incorporated as per requirement.
    • Integration with other Applications such as IPAS for billing and e-Drishti, TMS etc. has also been done.

    For vendor login Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is mandatory.

    Click here- for Contactor login.

    To set up DSC in your system go through the following steps-

    1. Java download Java Configuration for CrisSigner.
    2. Download CrisSigner
    3. Install CrisSigner in your system using the CrisSigner user manual

    The digital certificate which is being in IREPS will also be used in IRWCMS.

    All new works contracts including Zonal Contracts of the Engineering Department awarded after 30.04.2020 in all the Divisions. DRMs would fix updates for their Division to switch over to complete handling of new works contracts of all departments on IR-WCMS latest by 30.06.2020

    The e-module for zonal contractors has also been developed.

    IR-WCMS is not applicable for-

    As such, in 1st phase, only the following type of contractors could not be dealt with through this e-Application.

    • Contracts having the provision of contractor's measurement.
    • Composite contracts having Elect. and S&T works also.
    • Contracts having provisions for the release of advances of contractors.
    The modules for the above have been developed and launched now.

    It has been decided by Board (FM, FC) to launch this e- Application on all Divisions of Indian Railways. However, in no case, a contract shall be handled both manually and on IR-WCMS.
    IR-WCMS has been integrated with IREPS for importing data and ***IPAS for the release of payment to contractors.
    In all Divisions, all-new composite contracts as contracts having the provision of the release of advances to contractors, awarded after 20.06.2020, shall be handled on IR-WCMS.
    Although IR-WCMS permits the preparation of contract agreement and further handling of contract for manually issued LOA; as already directed by Board earlier, Railways should conduct online Tender committee proceedings on IREPS and generate online LOA from IREPS itself so as to enable IR-WCMS to import data of successful tenderer directly from IREPS.

    e-Measurement Book-

    Measurement of works shall be recorded in the e-Measurement Book (e-MB) module of IR-WCMS only. In the first phase, e-MB was available in the following 10 Division of Indian Railways-

    1st Phase:-

    1. Bhuswal Divn. of CR
    2.  Sambalpur Divn. of ECoR
    3. Firozpur Divn. of NR
    4. Janshi Divn. of NCR
    5. Izzatnagar Divn. of NER
    6. Vadodara Divn. of WR
    7. Jaipur Divn. of NWR
    8. Chennai Divn. of SR
    9. Secundrabad Divn. of SCR
    10. Bangalore Divn. of SWR
    The e-MB (Measurement Book)is now available in"All 68 Divisions"of Indian Railways

    In a contract, wherein measurement has been started in the e-Measurement Book, e-Measurement Book shall continue till finalization of the contract and no measurement in the physical Measurement Book shall be recorded. 

    To forward or send and finalized e-MB DSC must be mapping with the higher officer.

    After finalized the e-MB, the bill will be created by OS as assigned. 


    Since railway clerical staff, supervisors, and contractors would be operating IR-WCMS, officers who have already been trained by CRIS shall provide necessary training to them.Since IR-WCMS is a financial application, officers are strictly advised not to share their passwords with others and to keep the digital key in their personal custody.

    Help & Support- 

    IR-WCMS would assist officers, staff as well as contractors to a large extent in efficiently managing works contracts.

    For any query/issue, please write to

    Bill Preparation Process

    Bill is prepared through several methods. Follow the steps below-

    E-measurement entry by engineer:

    The SSE/JE will enter his ID and sign by entering the measurements collected from the field and send the contractor to sign. In this case, the engineer will use his digital signature to sign.

    Signed by the contractor and sent to the engineer:

    If all measurements are correct, the contractor will use his digital signature to sign and send to the AEN/ADEN.

    Measurement monitoring by engineer:

    The AEN/ADEN will enter his ID and check the measurement. If all goes well accept and send it to Bill Clark. If the measurement is not correct, return it to the coordinating SSE.

    Bill Preparation by Bill Clark:

    Bill Clark will accept the measurements then automatically bill will generate. Then bill clerk calculates GST and ST and inputs them. Then sends the bill to the contractor to upload the GST voucher.

    Contractor GST voucher input:

    The contractor will upload the GST voucher and send it again to the AEN/ADEN.

    Certificate issued by the engineer:

    The AEN/ADEN will add a certificate and send it to DEN/Sr.DEN.

    Note: Everyone who uses digital signatures, except contractors, will have to do mapping with Sr. DEN (C).


    1. Sir,we are trying to place a work order,but we are unable to find add item within lumpsum of schedule-A & B and also unable to find the DSR related chapters and Code Nos. of DSR. Sir Please Help Us.

      1. If you have taken DSR items. then it is not possible to create zonal work order in IRWCMS. Such case can be dealt manually.

    2. Very informative sir. I want to register in CRIS to get digital signature so that I can write in e-MB

      1. CRIS does not provide Digital Signature. You can purchase it through cyber cafe from licence Certificate Authority.

      2. For more information please visit-


    4. सर, मैं वर्क्स अकाउंट /जनरल Admin /इंजीनियरिंग विभाग नागपुर CR में OS bill पद पर कार्य करता हूँ I मैं इंजीनियरिंग विभाग के बिल छोड़कर बाकी सभी Department के बिल चेक करता हूँ अभी IRWCMS आने से मेरी ID कैसे बनेगीI क्या सभी department से अलग अलग बनेगी या common ID रहेगी और koun बनाएगा.. प्लीज़ help...

    5. I have given the details of GSTIN and item wise detail in bill. After which I saved it. I want to edit the details but cannot. Plz help

      1. We have processed an agreement through IRWCMS, now as I process on record measurement it is noticed that quantity of LOA shown under rate/unit and rate shown under quantity. My question is that shall we go for manual bills or otherwise pl advise.

      2. 1st you delete the GSTIN details and re-enter with correct data and then submit.

    6. This is the major problem for you may go to manual Bill after consulting with IRWCMS Assistant Manager Satyanand Singh.

    7. Sir I have forwarded to Engineering Representative and it should go to ADEN but it goes to DEN. Please help me sort this problem

      1. The concern DEN will return it and you will forward as per assigned.

    8. Sir, How make the ID in medical department for billing?

    9. Note: Return the bill to 'Bill Preparation stage' for corrections in e-MB. From there it can be send back to 'Coordinating SSE' for performing corrections in e-MB.

      How to solve this in ZOnal work order. The total value after before applying rebate is above 5 lakhs and after applying rebate is below 5 lakhs only.

    10. how bill correction without coordinating sse

    11. Sir i have created on account measurement before finalization of record measurement by Dy. CE of 3rd RA BILL so On account measurement shows no quantity of current RA BILL. What should be done now ?


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