TVU Census of Level Crossing

Train Vehicle Unit Census

TVUs calculated by multiplying Train and Road vehicle units in Railway.

LCs Census is taken for one week to work out TVU per day.

Periodical census of all LC's (Manned/Unmanned) -Once in 3 years.

In the case of unmanned level crossing involved in an accident, the census should be conducted immediately to determine whether manning is required.

TVU Census to be carried out by multidisciplinary team consist of a representative of " Civil Engineering, S & T and Traffic".

TVU Census of LC Gate

Significance of TVU-

Generally we found TVU on wall of every Gate Lodge. TVU indicates classification of the Level Crossing. Census is taken for TVU (Train Vehicle Unit) to the classification of Level Crossing. Level Crossings are classified according to TVU as below-

Class TVU
Special Class TVU>50,000
A Class TVU>30,000 or line capacity utilization >70% (on single line) and road vehicles > 1000.
B Class TVU >20,000 and road vehicles >750.
C Class TVU < 20,000 and road vehicles < 750.
D Class For cattle crossing.

Calculation of TVU

Total number of Train units in 07 days (T)

Total number of road vehicle in 07 days (R)

Tally Marks used for TVU Census

To counting trains and vehicles commonly used Tally Marks of Statistics.

Tally Marks for TVU count

Unit calculation-

  • Each train = 01 unit.
  • Each four-wheeler motor vehicle = 01 unit.
  • Each bullock cart = 01 unit.
  • Each tanga = 01 unit.
  • Each cycle rickshaw = 1/2 unit.
  • Each Auto rickshaw = 1/2 unit.
  • Each motor two-wheeler = 1/4 unit.

Total TVU

Average of (Total Train Unit in 1 week)/7= T

Average of (Total Vehicle Unit in 1 week)/7= R


Tally Marks used for TVU Census


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